Snippets of life

Welcome to Crazytown - Seriously, it's crazy here.

Thursday, March 15, 2007


I know a faithful few have hoped I had not stopped blogging entirely. I haven't, it has just been really really crazy here. I wanted to do an entry about what is going on, but haven't been able to come up with how to word it properly. I don't want to ask for sympathy, yet thoughts and prayers for a good outcome can never hurt a situation. So I guess while I don't want sympathy, I will take all the hope you can provide.

Small Pants has had a lump on the side of his neck that we had checked out by an ENT a while back. He totally blew us off and made it sound as if every child in the world has them. I know swollen glands can be common, but this one would enlarge with no correlation between his being sick or well.

So we went to another ENT who told us he was very concerned about his lump and mentioned Leukemia and Lymphoma. He has already had a round of blood tests and chest x-rays and we go in tomorrow for a biopsy. It has to be sent off to the lab, so we will still be in the dark tomorrow and for the next few days.

I cannot even begin to get my head around the concept that my child might be very very sick. I know I shouldn't worry until I have to, but that is not how my brain works, and I cannot help but worry and be terrified.

Anyway, I haven't had much to post that has any humor to it. I find that too much melancholy gets old, so I just let the blog go for awhile. I am optimistic that my next post will be soon and will be one of great news. I will follow that one up with more tales of the neighbors - they can always be counted on for a good laugh, can't they?

My Pants and I appreciate your kind thoughts and prayers for our Small Pants. It will all be ok.