Re-Fueling May Be Necessary
This should be written on every marriage certificate and etched on bathroom walls everywhere.
I am exhausted. No. I mean Really Really exhausted. Not just tired and needing more sleep, though that would be wonderful. My bones and muscles are tired. We went to bed last night - I think Pants had big plans - and before he could finish brushing his teeth, I was sound asleep. Dead to the world. Poor Pants.
Pants and I are not connecting like we used to. I'm just not feeling the fire. Don't misunderstand - he is still scintillatingly hot to me. Sometimes I just look at him and think "Yum." But lately - everything has just gotten in the way. We have both been so busy that we haven't even really had the chance to ask each other about our day, much less, spend some quality time together. Everything is pulling us in a million different directions and the first thing we seem to let slide is each other. Don't worry - we are still gettin' it, just not as exceptional as usual.
We are still very much in love with each other and I know we are fine. We just need some time alone. No kids, no work, no bills, no phones - just beverages, quiet and us. God - how great would the beach be right now? But I think we may have to settle for an evening alone with the kids at their grandparent's house. A long weekend somewhere close would be so great. Just a few days to ourselves. It just feels like we are running out of gas and need to refuel. I just want to get back to where we need to be. Where we want to be.
I am exhausted. No. I mean Really Really exhausted. Not just tired and needing more sleep, though that would be wonderful. My bones and muscles are tired. We went to bed last night - I think Pants had big plans - and before he could finish brushing his teeth, I was sound asleep. Dead to the world. Poor Pants.
Pants and I are not connecting like we used to. I'm just not feeling the fire. Don't misunderstand - he is still scintillatingly hot to me. Sometimes I just look at him and think "Yum." But lately - everything has just gotten in the way. We have both been so busy that we haven't even really had the chance to ask each other about our day, much less, spend some quality time together. Everything is pulling us in a million different directions and the first thing we seem to let slide is each other. Don't worry - we are still gettin' it, just not as exceptional as usual.
We are still very much in love with each other and I know we are fine. We just need some time alone. No kids, no work, no bills, no phones - just beverages, quiet and us. God - how great would the beach be right now? But I think we may have to settle for an evening alone with the kids at their grandparent's house. A long weekend somewhere close would be so great. Just a few days to ourselves. It just feels like we are running out of gas and need to refuel. I just want to get back to where we need to be. Where we want to be.
At 8:39 PM,
Ronni said…
A not-uncommon stage of a marriage. A long-ish block of time would definitely be nice.
At 3:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
The fact that it bothers you is a good sign, Justin.
Get to the weekend!
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