Snippets of life

Welcome to Crazytown - Seriously, it's crazy here.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Holy Halitosis, Batman!

I just returned from the dentist with the two boys about two and a half hours ago. I am still reeling from the shock. They each have a few cavities (damn you Godforsaken Double Bubble) but the main concern is the need for Medium Pants to have a "Orthodontical Evaluation" - Meaning, that little bastard needs braces and God knows what else.

He has overcrowding issues and some permanent teeth are turning as they come in to compensate for it. As the dentist was telling me all this, all I could think of was this:

"Hmmmm. If I knock the damn things down his throat next time he sasses me, I could possibly come out cheaper here. I mean, dentures have to cost less than braces, ya' think? I think I'll get an estimate on our next visit."

Maybe I should have titled this one "Parenting Poorly Yet Again."


  • At 6:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    We have a 'thing' about having good teeth in our family, Justin.

    Right or wrong, we feel that a good smile is important. It looks as though Grandson is getting a 'piggy-back' tooth that will need fixing. Lucky for me, my daughter has great teeth.

    I can only imagine your frustration, thinking about the cost of all the work that may need done.

    Boy, you really know how to tell a story, ROTFLOL!

  • At 9:16 PM, Blogger Ronni said…

    Is there a possibility that the teeth may straighten out as he grows and his jaw gets bigger?

  • At 6:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    apparently not - he still has some baby teeth and there is no room between the permanent ones he has and the baby ones for his premanent ones to come in correctly. They are rotating as they come in to try and squeeze in where they are supposed to be, so I guess we have no alternative.

    I am trying to look at it as my spending $5000 towards getting him married and out of the house later.

  • At 6:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Sorry, if this sounds naive, but can't they just remove the baby teeth?

  • At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't think so Mgt because there isn't enough room for the permanent ones even if the baby teeth weren't there. They are bigger than the baby teeth and they won't have enough room for all the permanent ones to come in together.

    I don't really know much yet either - we have out "work-up" scheduled for later in August, so I will know more then. I am just as "naive" as you on this stuff. I never had braces.

  • At 7:06 AM, Blogger Ronni said…

    The thing is, Justin, that many dentists will recommend braces just because they know you will do it. They cost a fortune, they hurt, and, frequently, there's no real reason for them.

    I mean, if it's going to affect the way he can chew food, for instance, or if he will look like the snaggle-toothed killer in "Red Dragon," then, of course you must do it. But, if it's just having slightly crooked teeth, it's no big deal, and he can decide when he's grown whether he wants to get braces.

    Brendan's teeth looked pretty gnarly when they first came in, and I was sure I would have to spring for braces, but his jaw grew into the teeth eventually.

    Chandra's, which were also crowded, straightened out when she had her wisdom teeth pulled.

    I'd vote for "wait and see" on this one, because the problem might take care of itself.

    Definitely have them remove the remaining baby teeth.


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