Snippets of life

Welcome to Crazytown - Seriously, it's crazy here.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Happy Birthday, Small Pants!

Small Pants turned 4 last week. Wednesday; August 23, 2006 to be exact. His birthday party was Saturday - complete with petting zoo and pony rides. It was so much fun and he had the best time ever!

We invited his friends from pre-school and his friends from a few families in our neighborhood that we hang out with. Everyone got some good pictures and seemed to have a good time. I will possibly put one or two up of Small Pants in the next day or so. He loved the pony rides.

The party was to start at 2:00 in the afternoon. He began asking me at about 7:00 in the morning "Is it two o'kwok yet, Mama?" But he was patient and got ridiculously excited when his friends started arriving. Bless his little heart, he fell asleep in my lap at 7:30 that night - totally exhausted. I, too, was pretty tired - having 15 kids in your house will do that to you. Thank goodness most of the party was outside.

And just in case you were wondering if everyone behaved...... No. Pants decided to use my digital camera and take pictures of the poor goat's pendulous testicles. He thought they were pretty funny. I was so ashamed that my husband took picture of balls. You think he'd never seen them before. Photos of nuts.

I will not even begin to tell you what happened when the donkey had to pee.


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