Snippets of life

Welcome to Crazytown - Seriously, it's crazy here.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Aging Not So Gracefully

A new school year. Summer is over. Medium Pants will begin the 5th grade and Small Pants will begin his Pre-K program at preschool and begins Kindergarten next year - the same year his brother starts middle school. I feel so old. I know, I know - school hasn't ended this year yet and I am already thinking about next year. But my babies will be big boys. No more sweet little boys - they will be starting new stages. Medium Pants will be hanging out with his friends more and possibly even liking girls (oh Dear God) and Small Pants won't want me holding his hand and hugging him in front of anyone.

It scares me so much more than it does them. I know I should be more mature about it, after all, this is what happens - they grow up. But I didn't know it would happen so fast. I was just changing their diapers the other day. While part of me is thinking I should be counting down until the last one turns 18, I know I will miss all the noise. I realize that is quite sometime away, but it seems like it is just spinning by so fast.

And it makes me feel really really old. I just hope they come back and visit me sometimes. Even if it's just to wipe the spittle off my chin.


  • At 1:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Believe me, Justin, there will come a time in your life, when you are looking forward to them leaving the nest.

    Maybe it's just me...! But then, I'm STILL 'looking forward@. LOL

  • At 4:20 PM, Blogger Carri said…

    I can soooo relate. My oldest daughter just graduated from high school and it threw me for a loop. It honestly feels like she was toddling around the house yesterday. The time has literally flown by! It made me want to grab a hold of my 10 and 11 year olds and never let them go!

    Good Luck!


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