It's All About Reading Comprehension, Isn't It?
Even though it has been a short week, what with the holiday, it seems like it has taken an eternity for Friday to finally get here! I was so busy last weekend - a ball tournament, painted our bathroom (looks great, thanks!), cookout and the whole neighbor issue that it just flew by.
On the neighbor issue, things seem to be going well. They are spending more time with him and I think that is really all he wanted. He seems much happier and calmer and we have gotten more one on one time with our boys, so pluses all around. Speaking of pluses......
One of the pluses to having a blog - or blob - is that it can be quite cathartic. You can get things out and in the open that might otherwise be difficult to say. Whether about my father's death, my friend's cancer or this situation with my friend/neighbor. I know we are not the first people in a subdivision to encounter this, so I know we will reach a resolution. It was troubling; however, because no one wants to struggle with having to say something that they know will hurt someone's feelings, no matter how gently or nicely they do it.
One of the minuses to having one - people tend to read just the top entry or just parts of it and then twist it. Again, I got several e-mails saying I was picking on this kid or that I should confront his mother and discuss it with her. OK, no, I was not picking on him, and if you had read the PREVIOUS entry, it was all about my conversation with his mother. And yes, he has been officially diagnosed with ADHD by a real Dr./Therapist - his mother told me so. I was very polite to her and explained that I adored her son, but felt that he was always at my house - every afternoon until being sent home at my children's dinnertime and all weekend long. His parents never come check on him or look out to make sure he is ok. All I asked for was the occasional evening with my kids in my yard alone.
If you e-mailer's who are critiquing my blog and ridiculing it's contents would like to read EVERY entry in order, you would see that I continually point out that I am not nor have ever claimed to be a perfect parent. My boys have their issues just like every child. Here they are in case you have missed them:
Medium Pants - 1) Quite possibly the bossiest child on Earth. His Challenge teacher (Gene Wilder for those of you who are selective in your reading) calls it "leadership abilities." Yeah, I call it "Things you might get spanked for." 2) Sometimes gets frustrated with stupidity and gets snotty. For the record, I do not know where he gets this.
Small Pants - 1) Still at the stage where farting in public is thought to be uproariously funny. 2) Announced loudly at the Mexican restaurant the other night that he was no longer to be called Spiderman. He was now to be referred to only as "Burper Boy" followed by a burp that made even me proud.
So see, I do realize that we are all different and have different opinions. Maybe not all adults find earsplitting belches humorous. Ok, that's fine. We can still coexist here.
My only request - read the ENTIRE entry and if it references the one directly preceeding it, READ THAT ONE TOO before firing off an e-mail to me about what a bitch, horrible neighbor, ball-less idiot, drug pushing maniac, princess or queen of perfection (yeah, I laughed my ass off at that one too) I am.
On the neighbor issue, things seem to be going well. They are spending more time with him and I think that is really all he wanted. He seems much happier and calmer and we have gotten more one on one time with our boys, so pluses all around. Speaking of pluses......
One of the pluses to having a blog - or blob - is that it can be quite cathartic. You can get things out and in the open that might otherwise be difficult to say. Whether about my father's death, my friend's cancer or this situation with my friend/neighbor. I know we are not the first people in a subdivision to encounter this, so I know we will reach a resolution. It was troubling; however, because no one wants to struggle with having to say something that they know will hurt someone's feelings, no matter how gently or nicely they do it.
One of the minuses to having one - people tend to read just the top entry or just parts of it and then twist it. Again, I got several e-mails saying I was picking on this kid or that I should confront his mother and discuss it with her. OK, no, I was not picking on him, and if you had read the PREVIOUS entry, it was all about my conversation with his mother. And yes, he has been officially diagnosed with ADHD by a real Dr./Therapist - his mother told me so. I was very polite to her and explained that I adored her son, but felt that he was always at my house - every afternoon until being sent home at my children's dinnertime and all weekend long. His parents never come check on him or look out to make sure he is ok. All I asked for was the occasional evening with my kids in my yard alone.
If you e-mailer's who are critiquing my blog and ridiculing it's contents would like to read EVERY entry in order, you would see that I continually point out that I am not nor have ever claimed to be a perfect parent. My boys have their issues just like every child. Here they are in case you have missed them:
Medium Pants - 1) Quite possibly the bossiest child on Earth. His Challenge teacher (Gene Wilder for those of you who are selective in your reading) calls it "leadership abilities." Yeah, I call it "Things you might get spanked for." 2) Sometimes gets frustrated with stupidity and gets snotty. For the record, I do not know where he gets this.
Small Pants - 1) Still at the stage where farting in public is thought to be uproariously funny. 2) Announced loudly at the Mexican restaurant the other night that he was no longer to be called Spiderman. He was now to be referred to only as "Burper Boy" followed by a burp that made even me proud.
So see, I do realize that we are all different and have different opinions. Maybe not all adults find earsplitting belches humorous. Ok, that's fine. We can still coexist here.
My only request - read the ENTIRE entry and if it references the one directly preceeding it, READ THAT ONE TOO before firing off an e-mail to me about what a bitch, horrible neighbor, ball-less idiot, drug pushing maniac, princess or queen of perfection (yeah, I laughed my ass off at that one too) I am.
At 5:52 PM,
Ronni said…
People send you emails? Holy Cow! All I get is comments!
At 6:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah, everyone is an expert!
Usually, from the parents who cannot comprehend 'teaching by example'. They behave worse than their children.
Well, some of them!
At 7:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Justin, the belching boy is so funny!
My Grandson makes his as loud as possible. You can just see that it is intentional, now he has the sheepish look and the 'beg your pardon' down to a 'T'.
What do you do with them?!
I told my daughter, no fizzy drinks while he is out in puplic. That should mend him!
Actually, she would cut them out altogether, if he didn't do the incessant pleading. Oh Lawd! That pleading! 'Just this once, I promise'. 'I need it, pleeezzz!' 'You always say 'no'!' 'Mummy, pleeezzzz!'
Arg! Get me some drugs!
At 8:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
That should be public, Justin.
We all know what a puplic is, don't we! LOL
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