Snippets of life

Welcome to Crazytown - Seriously, it's crazy here.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

My A to Z's

A to Z about me - stolen, er, borrowed from some blog pals. It's an interesting way to find out more about each other. I won't call it a meme, because people hate those things!

Accent: None, really. Although after several drinks, the Southerner in me does make an appearance.

Booze: Frozen Margueritas, Coors Lite (bottle only) & Zima XXX - I know, I am hanging my head in shame

Chore I hate: Matching socks - for the love of God, why do we own so freaking many white socks?

Dogs or Cats: Dogs although we have been known to own a cat before.

Essential electronics: MP3

Favourite cologne: Cashmere Mist

Gold or Silver: Silver, White gold or Platinum

Home: TN

Insomnia: Occasionally

Job title: Underwriter, wife, mom, and apparently maid.

Kids: Two sons

Living arrangements: Husband and two sons

Most admirable traits: Can sarcasm be considered an admirable trait? No? Ok, then.... I don't bullshit - what you see is what you get because I have no agenda.

Not going to cop to: ratting anyone out

Overnight hospital stays: two babies and a week for a kidney infection that was godawful - my temp was 106.5. No, that was not a typo.

Phobias: Spiders and losing anyone that I love.

Quote: "What's the matter, boy? Is Timmy in the well?" Best used when someone is confused or stuttering.

Religion: Episcopalian - of the Anglican sect.

Siblings: One brother and one sister

Time I wake up: Around 5:10 - ouch, it hurts to see it in print.

Unusual talent or skill: heh heh. Ancient chinese secret.

Vegetable I love: Fresh purple hull peas. Oh and steamed asparagus with butter and garlic sauce.

Worst habit: profanity - What? You say you hadn't noticed?

X-rays: Arms, legs, knees, ankles, shoulders, wrists & jaw

Yummy foods I make: Ridiculously good lasagne and award winning cheesecake from scratch

Zodiac sign: Virgo - yeah, I think that's funny too.


  • At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hahahahahah!!! I had forgotten YOU were a preemie!

    Ahh, good times.


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