Difficulty Finding Focus
I have several blogs that I stop in on and read every day - some are linked here, some are not. I also read Rockstarmommy, Suburbanbliss & Dooce as well as a few others. One day I will get around to linking all my favs. It's hard for me to figure out and it takes time, people - a commodity of which I often run quite short!
That being said, I am well aware that I have no real focus for my blog or "blob" as I prefer to call it. Some lean toward the political, others speak about their everyday lives, some share stories of birthing babies, some talk about current crime stories and so on. The crime factor is how I began my life in the blog world. I became so involved with the Laci Peterson case that I luckily happened upon a site called "Observations of a Misfit." The Author, Loretta, is a brilliant writer who provided amazing insight and knowledge of the case as well as an arena for comments. This arena allowed those who were also at a loss as to why someone would have done this to talk to others and bounce thoughts off each other, speculate and comiserate. It is where I found many friends whose emotions on this case were just as deep and angry as mine. She is a wonderful blogger and writer and should be credited with getting many of us novices started (although she probably doesn't want that known, given the crap you have read here!). She has a focus.
I do not. I don't want to write about politics - too volatile for me. The true crime blogs are so numerous and not all the cases interest me. And to be perfectly honest, some of them are just far too depressing and revolting to even discuss in depth. The list can go on and on and never end there. I have resigned myself to the fact that I may never have a real focus here.
I guess that should be okay and I should accept that. Do I have to have a "subject matter?" A focus? A topic? I think it's best to just hit you with what is making me think (or pissing me off as the case may be) that day - whether it's an injustice in the checkout line, sibling annoyances, a bedwetter or Pants incredible hotness. You are at my mercy. Since the title of my blog is what it is, then the subject matter must be attuned to it, right? Life is unpredictable, isn't it? So then, must be the topics here.
Hmmm.....maybe next time I will talk about either childbirth or global warming. Oh, how about that old spotted owl? Gosh, when you don't put yourself in a box the possibilities are just ENDLESS, aren't they?
That being said, I am well aware that I have no real focus for my blog or "blob" as I prefer to call it. Some lean toward the political, others speak about their everyday lives, some share stories of birthing babies, some talk about current crime stories and so on. The crime factor is how I began my life in the blog world. I became so involved with the Laci Peterson case that I luckily happened upon a site called "Observations of a Misfit." The Author, Loretta, is a brilliant writer who provided amazing insight and knowledge of the case as well as an arena for comments. This arena allowed those who were also at a loss as to why someone would have done this to talk to others and bounce thoughts off each other, speculate and comiserate. It is where I found many friends whose emotions on this case were just as deep and angry as mine. She is a wonderful blogger and writer and should be credited with getting many of us novices started (although she probably doesn't want that known, given the crap you have read here!). She has a focus.
I do not. I don't want to write about politics - too volatile for me. The true crime blogs are so numerous and not all the cases interest me. And to be perfectly honest, some of them are just far too depressing and revolting to even discuss in depth. The list can go on and on and never end there. I have resigned myself to the fact that I may never have a real focus here.
I guess that should be okay and I should accept that. Do I have to have a "subject matter?" A focus? A topic? I think it's best to just hit you with what is making me think (or pissing me off as the case may be) that day - whether it's an injustice in the checkout line, sibling annoyances, a bedwetter or Pants incredible hotness. You are at my mercy. Since the title of my blog is what it is, then the subject matter must be attuned to it, right? Life is unpredictable, isn't it? So then, must be the topics here.
Hmmm.....maybe next time I will talk about either childbirth or global warming. Oh, how about that old spotted owl? Gosh, when you don't put yourself in a box the possibilities are just ENDLESS, aren't they?
At 2:58 PM,
Ronni said…
Whatever warms the cockles of your heart!
At 6:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Whatever blows your hair back, Justin.
Just give me something to read!
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